Notaio Antonio Privitera - Milano
Notaio Antonio Privitera - Milano


Testament is a common word. It appears often in fictional narrative, and we also use it in figurative expression (how many times have we hear the sentence “make the last will,” to comment on different situations and concepts?). That is why we all know what it refers to: a testament is the document by which a person decide to whom allocate his/her assets after death.
Actually, in the legal practice the matter of succession is much more complex than one might think, and can not be translated into a simple annotation of the will of the “testator” (i.e. the one who make the will). Its autonomy has constraints that protect the legitimate heirs, and the testament must meet formal requirements which if not respected can thwart the will.
In general, the complexity and delicacy of inhritances derive from an underlying conflict that experts have tried to solve in form, but in essence it remains quite complicated: the balance between the freedom of the individual and the need to create rules of general application.
For this reason the advice of the notary is precious: the matter of inheritances is one of our almost exclusive expertise, and thanks to the law tools we can help you make your will effective, avoiding unpleasant complications.
In our system, there are three types of wills: holograph, secret and public. They all have the same effectiveness.

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